Today is our 22nd wedding anniversary.
(Our because I couldn’t figure out the correct grammar for my husband and mine’s, my husband and I’s….)
Anyways…Where the heck did the time go? I have been married for more years than my age when I got married. (I was 19.)
One of the most important things that I am still trying to learn and to live by each day is just that. To learn and live each day together to the fullest.
Life has a way of taking over. There is the kids, work, family, chores, school, community, hobbies… Sometimes there is so much to do that it is overwhelming and tiring. Sometimes, we can be so focused on the past, what was, that we forget to look at the present. Sometimes, we can be so focused on the future, we forget to look at the present.
And at times, planning for the future seems to take a priority over living in the moment. I am not saying not to plan, I am saying to live at the same time you plan. It’s a skill that I want to improve.
Mostly what I want to improve is remembering that marriage is about the journey, the day to day things. Where you have been or where you are going is no less important then where you are right now.
The present really is a present, a gift that many of us don’t fully appreciate.
So hun, Happy Anniversary. I love you and love the journey we have been on, are on and all the journeys yet to come.
© Chanan Greenblatt
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